• Policies
  • Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Conflict of Interest Policy

    View Policy


    It is the responsibility of all members of the Board of Trustees, all administrators, all faculty, and all other employees of Goucher College to exercise their best care, skills, and judgment in directing, administering, and operating the affairs of the College. Accordingly, it is the policy of Goucher College that such individuals shall act in a manner consistent with their responsibilities to the College and shall avoid circumstances in which their own financial or other interests could present an actual, potential, or apparent conflict of interest. This policy does not attempt to describe or address every situation that might create an actual, potential, or apparent conflict of interest. As a general principle, however, all trustees, administrators, faculty, and other employees of the College should avoid any actions or situations that might result in or create the appearance of using their association with the College for private gain, giving unwarranted preferential treatment to any outside individual or organization, or losing their independence or impartiality of judgment in the discharge of duties and responsibilities on behalf of the College.

    Responsible Office

    Questions about this policy should be addressed to the Director of Risk Management.


    September 2015

    Last Revised

    October 2022

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    Conflict of Interest Policy FAQs (PDF)