Goucher College grants the privilege to drive on campus to students, faculty, and staff. The privilege assumes that community members will abide by Maryland state transportation laws.
All motor vehicles operated on campus by staff, faculty, and students must be registered with the Office of Campus Safety. Registered vehicles must display a current sticker inside the driver’s side, rear window. Motorcycles must display a current sticker on the rear fender.
Vehicle registration permits parking on campus and entry to campus during hours of gate operation and enables campus safety officers to contact owners in the event of problems, such as lights left on or damage to the vehicle.
Staff, faculty, and students who show a Goucher OneCard when entering campus at night, in lieu of having a properly registered campus vehicle permit, are required to give vehicle information to the gate house officer and register their vehicles. Failure to register the vehicle will result in a citation or banning of the vehicle.
Goucher College will not be responsible for any damages occurring to vehicles. Complaints of vandalism, accidents, and thefts should be reported to the Office of Campus Safety.
Employees must register their vehicles during the first two weeks of employment. Any vehicle purchased during the year must be registered on the first day that it is driven on campus.
Maryland’s Department of Transportation (Motor Vehicle Administration) requires all out-of-state students to obtain a nonresident vehicle permit. The permit fee is $20 and is nonrefundable. Information regarding nonresident permits is available on the Maryland MVA website: http://mva.maryland.gov/about-mva/Pages/info/27300/27300-60T.aspx
Student vehicles must be registered by the end of the second week of classes. Students who matriculate in the spring semester must register their vehicles by the first day of spring semester classes. There is a fee of $75 per for student vehicle registration, or $50 for one semester only. Any vehicle purchased during the year must be registered on the first day that it is driven on campus. Students who have already registered a vehicle for the current semester, may obtain a new registration decal for a $10.00 fee if the decal from their original vehicle is returned.
Commuting students must comply with the same vehicle registration policy as resident students.
Vehicles used by community members with disabilities must be registered according to the procedures described above. In addition, upon proof of medical need or upon submitting a copy of a valid state disability permit for the community member using the vehicle, a Goucher disability permit is issued. When a state disability placard or plate has been issued for the community member, a Goucher disability permit will not be needed. A person may not use a car with a disability permit unless they are disabled.
Office of Campus Safety: officeofcampussafety@paulytheprayingpup.com
Last revised: September 2021